Etsy is a big online store for things that are handmade, old, or one-of-a-kind. It lets artists and crafters sell their things directly to many customers. But in this crowded space, standing out from the competition is crucial. Your shop banner is prime real estate, serving as the first impression for potential customers.

This guide will delve into the two banner options available on Etsy: Big Banners and Mini Banners. Knowing the right Etsy banner sizes and what works best will help you design a shop front that grabs attention and shows your brand.

What is the Etsy Banner?

Etsy banner

Image Credit: Creatopy

Etsy banner images are crucial visuals that are normally displayed on top of the sellers' shops online. Etsy shop banners are like small signs you can make yourself. They let you show your brand and what you sell in one image. A good banner makes your shop look nice and tells people what you have. This catches the eye, makes you look professional, and can help you sell more!

Etsy Banner Size: Big Banners


etsy banner size

Image Credit: PhotoADKing

Etsy big banners are ideal for those who want to make a bigger splash on their shop front.

Ideal size: 3360 pixels wide by 840 pixels tall (3360 x 840 px). This size ensures your banner looks crisp and clear on all devices.

Minimum acceptable size: 1200 pixels wide by 300 pixels tall (1200 x 300 px). While usable, using a smaller size may result in a blurry or pixelated banner on some screens.

Benefits of a Big Etsy Banner

Showcase your brand identity: Because the banner is bigger, you can easily add your shop's logo, colors, and other designs. This will make your shop look more put-together and easy to remember

Display multiple products: Unlike Mini Banners, Big Banners allow you to showcase a variety of your products in a single image. This gives potential customers a broader sense of what you offer and can entice them to browse your shop further.

Note: Regardless of the size you choose, it's important to maintain a 4:1 aspect ratio for your Etsy banner. This means the width of your banner should always be four times the height. This ensures your banner displays correctly across all devices.

Etsy Banner Size: Mini Banners

types of etsy banner

Image Credit: SellBrite

Etsy also offers Mini Banners, a good option if you prefer a simpler shop front design.

Ideal size: 1600 pixels wide by 213 pixels tall (1600 x 213 px). This size ensures your banner looks good while loading quickly.

Minimum allowed size: 1200 pixels wide by 160 pixels tall (1200 x 160 px). Etsy will accept this size, but a smaller image might appear blurry.

Benefits of a Mini Etsy Banner

Faster loading time: Mini Banners are smaller files, so they load faster on computers. This can be especially helpful for customers with slower internet connections.

Focus on shop icons and listings: With less space, a Mini Banner encourages you to focus on your shop icon and product listings to grab attention.

Keep in mind: Mini Banners are not visible on mobile devices, which make up a significant portion of Etsy traffic. Consider this if a large portion of your customers browse Etsy on their phones.

Choosing the Right Etsy Banner Size

etsy banner idea

Image Credit: Creatopy

When it comes to Etsy banners, size matters! Choosing the right size depends on a few key things:

There's also another banner option: Carousel Banners.

You can use these smaller banners with your main banner to show certain products you sell or groups of similar items.

Think about what you want your shop front to say and who you're trying to reach, and you'll be well on your way to picking the perfect Etsy banner size!

etsy banner idea

Image Credit: PinkPursuits

Your Branding Goals: Do you want a big, splashy banner showcasing your brand identity with multiple products? Or a simpler design that highlights your shop icon and lets your listings shine?

Product Focus: If you have a wide variety of products, a Big Banner might be ideal. For shops with a more focused product line, a Mini Banner can keep things clear.

Target Audience: Consider how your customers browse Etsy. If most use mobile devices, a Big Banner (not visible on phones) might not be the best choice.

Bonus Tip: How to Make Creative Etsy Banner

etsy banner idea

Now that you've chosen the perfect banner size for your shop, it's time to unleash your creativity! Here are some tips to get you started:

High-Quality Images: This is key! Use clear, well-lit photos of your products or brand elements. Blurry or pixelated images will detract from your professionalism. You can easily enhance your image quality with an AI Image Enhancer.

Showcase Your Style: Infuse your banner with your brand personality. Play with colors, fonts, and graphics that reflect your unique style and the types of products you sell. 

Keep it Simple: Don't overcrowd your banner with too much text or complex designs. A clear and concise message will be easier for viewers to absorb, especially on smaller screens. 

Free Templates: Etsy itself offers a variety of free banner templates within the Etsy Seller Handbook


Choosing the right Etsy banner size is a fundamental step in creating a welcoming and informative shop front. A well-sized banner ensures your message is displayed clearly across all devices. Whether it's a captivating hero image showcasing your brand identity on a desktop or a concise product spotlight on a mobile device.

Remember, your banner is a silent salesperson. A great banner with clear pictures and short text is eye-catching. It will leave a good memory for potential customers and make them want to buy from you. So don't underestimate the power of this valuable Etsy real estate! 


What is the Etsy Banner Size?

The recommended Etsy banner size is 760 x 100 pixels, but the sizes may vary according to the platform and device type.

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Frank Edward
Frank Edward
Frank provides expert information on AI tools that are applied to E-commerce, design, games, music and videos.