Tips for Real Estate Photography

1. Invest in a Full-Frame Camera

real estate photography tips

Full-frame cameras are ideal for capturing wide shots, like the ones you need when you’re snapping pictures of house exteriors or even room interiors. The more information you can convey about the propriety in an image the better, for both you and the client.

While cropped sensors do have some advantages when you want to focus and zoom in on an object, they are overall not as good for real estate photography as full-frame sensors. With a full-frame camera, you can expect better dynamic range, better performance in low-light conditions, better depth of field, resolution, and more. These cameras are more expensive but the investment is well worth it.

2. Keep Edges Vertical by Adjusting Your Camera

 tips for real estate photography

This is one of the most important tips for real estate photography for capturing clear images and improving image composition. Making sure all the edges of the frame are aligned properly with the scene is crucial and something that can be adjusted manually with enough patience. 

More often than not, though, you will find that modern cameras have an optical image stabilization (OIS) feature that can do most of the work for you. OIS has a number of benefits, the most obvious of which is a significant reduction in image blur. Image stabilization can also compensate for minor shakes that may appear while you’re capturing a photo. 

3. Use a Tripod

real estate photography tips

This is among the most obvious tips for real estate photography out there but it’s still important to mention regardless. Anybody who is serious about photography should consider investing in a good tripod because it will make all the difference in the world. A tripod will not only help stabilize the image but it will also reduce blur and increase sharpness.

But if you can’t afford a tripod at the moment, there is a much cheaper alternative you can use in the form of VanceAI Image Sharpener. This is a very simple but powerful AI-based online tool that suppresses noise and makes pictures sharper with just a couple of clicks. VanceAI Image Sharpener lets you unblur image online and compensate for the lack of a tripod. Even if you do use a tripod, that doesn’t mean all your photographs will end up crisp and sharp, so having a tool like this at your disposal is always important.

4.  Buy a Wide-Angle Lens

 tips for real estate photography

You’ll often come across this tip when looking up how to take real estate pictures and it’s easy to see why. A wide-angle lens makes everything feel bigger and more spacious while also allowing you to grab photos from a wider range of angles without moving around as much. The less you move around, the fewer the chances you’ll end up taking blurry pictures.

When you’re looking to buy wide-angle lenses it’s important to avoid fisheye lenses. While these types of lenses can help you capture an even wider field of view, in the process, they also distort the image and create a circular effect. This effect can look good in artistic imagery but isn’t ideal for real estate photography.

5. Make Full Use of Natural Light

 tips for real estate photography

No list of real estate photography tips would be complete without mentioning lighting. Good lighting can make or break a photograph and, as a general rule, natural light is always better than artificial one. This is especially true when you’re capturing pictures outside but it’s something to keep in mind during interior photography sessions as well.
If you don’t have to worry about deadlines, the best thing to do would be to wait for favorable weather conditions before you start taking pictures. Of course, weather patterns can vary greatly depending on your location and time of the year. Oftentimes, you’ll just have to make the best of the available lighting.

6. Uses Flashes

 tips for real estate photography

Wondering how to take great real estate photos when you’re shooting indoors? Well, if natural light is insufficient for one reason or another you should definitely consider using flashes. This also applies to situations when you’re capturing photos at nighttime. 

Natural light is generally better than artificial one but with the right flashes in real estate photography, the difference is barely noticeable. One important thing to keep in mind is that the standard flashes that come with most cameras are often insufficient for professional photography. External flashes can be a bit pricey but they are a must in many situations.  You can use an image resolution enhancer to level up your photos.

7. Turn on Lights for Interiors

 tips for real estate photography

Just because you’re shooting indoors it doesn’t mean that you only have to rely on flashes or natural lighting. One of the best real estate photography tips is to always remember to turn on interior lights. Depending on the setup, you can achieve some interesting effects by playing with various angles and lights found around the house.

Interior lights are important not just for indoor photography sessions but also outdoor ones that take place at nighttime or in the evening. Houses tend to look very dull at those times of day if there’s no interior lighting. Turn all the lights on and the place immediately looks a lot more inviting.

8. Keep Rooms Clean and Tidy Before Shooting

 tips for real estate photography

This is another fairly obvious real estate photography tip, but you would be surprised by how many people ignore it. Nobody likes a messy place and you’re likely to lose customers if you neglect to do a bit of clean up before you take pictures.

If you’re working with a dull and empty interior space don’t hesitate to spice things up by adding a couple of things here and there. Some food on the table or a picture on the wall can make all the difference in the world. You’ll want to do your best to make the place as cozy-looking as possible.

9. Take Several Shots From Different Angles

 tips for real estate photography

This is one of the oldest real estate photography tips out there and it still works like a charm. Capturing pictures from the right angle can make a huge difference when trying to convey the best parts of a house or apartment, regardless of whether we’re talking about interior or exterior spaces.
Good angle work is an especially valuable tip for beginners who may not have access to advanced photography equipment or editing software. If you’re good at working with angles you can save yourself a lot of time and money in many situations.

10. Post-Editing

If you can’t or don’t want to try all the real estate photography tips found above there’s still one more thing you can do: post-editing. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about the type of fancy editing that requires expensive software. Quite the opposite. You can use an image resolution enhancer to level up your photos. With tools like the ones provided by VanceAI Official, you can easily improve your real estate photos with very little effort and without breaking the bank.

 tips for real estate photography

This AI solutions suite can do a lot of neat things, including upscaling images by up to 8 times their original size, automatically sharpen and denoising them, adjust their brightness, and more. The best part is that all these tools are powered by artificial intelligence, meaning that everything occurs automatically.

That said, in many cases, you do also get manual tunning options if you want to tweak things further. VanceAI offers all these tools for one simple subscription, no need to buy things separately. 

 Tips for Real Estate Photography: Use VanceAI Image Sharpener

1. Visit VanceAI Image Sharpener and hover over the AI Solutions menu to find this tool. On the next page hit the Upload Image button and select the photo you want to sharpen.

VanceAI Image Sharpener
2. You will now be taken to a new screen where you can make a couple of changes. First off, if you choose the Manual Parameters option you will be able to tweak the level of Sharpness and Noise Suppression from anywhere between 0 to 100%. You can also go to the Workflow tab to queue additional image enhancement processes. Finally, you can upload additional images to this image sharpener if you want to take advantage of the bulk processing feature. When ready, click Start to Process.

VanceAI Image Sharpener
3. In the Processed tab you can see a side-by-side comparison of the old and new image by clicking the Preview button. Click Download Image once you’re happy with the results.

real estate photography tips

Also read: Best 8 Car Photography Tips.

Tips for Real Estate Photography: Use VanceAI Image Upscaler

1. Once again, you’ll want to start off by visiting VanceAI’s website but this time around select the Image Enlarger tool from the menu. This tool acts like a VanceAI Image Upscaler while increasing the resolution of your image and enlarging it multiple times.

VanceAI real estate photography tips
2. Upload an image just like before or select one of the existing samples. Select Manual Parameters if you want to adjust Blur and Noise Suppression yourself or just use the auto mode. You can also choose by how much the image will be enlarged after processing. The upscaling occurs without any quality loss so feel free to go all the way up to 8X if you want to. Finally, click the Workflow tab and select the AI Super HD option. Hit the Start to Process button to enhance image quality online.

VanceAI real estate photography tips
3. Go to the Preview menu and switch between the three options found at the top – Fit Canvas, Contrast and Compared – if you want to take a better look at the changes. Once you’re happy with the results click Download Image.

VanceAI real estate photography tips

Tips for Real Estate Photography: Use VanceAI Image Enhancer?

Step 1: Enter the official homepage.

You can just go to the homepage of VanceAI Image Enhancer where you can enhance image and improve image quality online. This tool will not change the original size of your picture while enhancing image quality to a higher level within several seconds. After clicking on that link, you will easily see the picture below.

the homepage of VanceAI Image Enhancer

Step 2: Upload a photo to VanceAI Workspace.

Having seen the picture, you need to press the button Upload Image to upload the target you want to enhance. Then you will naturally see the Workspace of the photo enhancing app below. After that, you should hit Start to Process and wait for several seconds.

the Workspace of VanceAI Image Enhancer

Step 3: Preview and download the enhanced photo.

before-and-after comparison

Final Thoughts

Real estate photography is a genuine art form that can greatly increase your chances of making sales once you’ve mastered it. Knowing the real estate photography tips found in this article will help you find more customers but remember that putting them in practice is just as important. Also read: Best AI Tools for Real Estate Photo Editing.


1. How to take good real estate photos with iPhone?

While capturing photos with an iPhone won’t lead to the same results as capturing them with a professional camera, you can still get some pretty good shots with modern smartphones. Most of the tips that apply to cameras apply to iPhones as well, however, you will need to follow them more closely since there’s less room for error. Start by focusing on the angles and lighting since those are easier to handle.

2. How to do real estate photography?

Like any art form, real estate photography takes patience and a good amount of practice. The best place to start is with something small like your living room. Trying capturing interesting shots from different angles and during different times of the day. You can then play around with interior lighting and post-editing to improve the shots. Once you’ve mastered that you’ll want to try your hand at exterior photography.

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Jason Moth
Jason Moth
I have been writing for a living for nearly a decade now and always had an interest in innovative new technologies, so writing for Vance AI was an opportunity I just couldn’t resist. My main goal here is to teach you how to use artificial intelligence tools in ways you may not have considered before. So if you want to learn how to have fun with Vance AI just check out my articles. You can see even more of my work over on my own website FictionTalk.